Game on!
Well, I made my flight with plenty of time to spare on Thursday. My wonderful neighbour, Loretta, drove me to the airport. It's so nice to have friends like that who you can count on and so willingly offer to help.
The flight was 4 hours in a Boeing 737 (via Westjet). Seats about 120 passengers with 3 seats on either side of the aisle. I had the window seat and decided it was rather comfortable for a couple reasons: you had something to lean against and

I was able to catch the Sky Shuttle from the airport to the Radisson Hotel. I had a very friendly and knowledgeable driver and 20 minutes past quickly (and at half the price a cab would've been). I was the only passenger as had caught the driver on his way back for his downtown to airport round trip.
I didn't get in 'til almost 10 pm Edmonton time (midnight my time) and was exhausted. Quickly caught up with Willow and then called it a night.
Friday's wake-up call came far too soon. I think I'd probably just nodded off when the 6 am call came. Argh. I was downstairs, continental breakfast (fruits, juice, muffins, toast, etc. and LOTS of coffee, lol) and to Willow's classroom by 7:10 am. Spent most of the morning helping out with class sales and running to and from the Exhibit Hall and reception hunting down stock and setting up the booth. Lunch break at 2 ish and back to the grind and ready to open for 4 pm 'til 8 pm for registrants of the show.
This is a very small show. Probably only about a couple hundred registrants and maybe a dozen exhibitors. Sales and "traffic" were slow but it was still a great time visiting with the painters, fellow exhibitors, artists/designers/teachers and friends.
I managed a short time off and swung through the booths and picked up a few items. I also spent some time in fascination at Adrienne Weightman's booth watching her do her Scratch Art (an old art form that is showing a great resurgence and interest especially amongst decorative artists). Her packets were lovely. So detailed and such a simple and low-cost art. Tempting... But no, I haven't succumbed to that temptation yet.
Well, I must turn-in as tomorrow is almost here and the morning will be here much too soon. The Exhibit Hall opens from 10 am to 5 pm Saturday. It'll be a long day then helping out Willow and maybe Debbie Cotton for their classes in the evening.

My one disappointment so far? I have not been able to touch base with my better half because of the miles between us (he still in Germany) and time difference. Did send a text and an email tho' so hopefully he knows I'm safe and sound and happy but missing him.
~ Shelley
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