Well, one more sleep and I'm off for my newest adventure. Paint-in Alberta.
I'm excited... and exhausted. Today I went to painting class for a couple hours to discuss ideas of what we'd like to get up to in our weekly class. Okay... we never reach a consensus, lol, but we have fun. Usually there are 2 to 3 projects on the go (sometimes more). And dollars to donuts, that project that someone turned down and now see being done... well, they want it too [grin].
I left our get-together (more like a social after "summer recess") to get home and pick-up my son to take to college. We needed to pick up another book that'd been missed in our first book run and that he had to have for this Friday, and it had to be done BEFORE his noon class. Whew. Also got the screen protector for his netbook. Hopefully we're done for now. 'Cept I hear from other parents that you're never done paying, lol.
Then I did a couple other errands and headed home. Got a few things done, but no packing yet. 'Course now I'm starting to panic 'cause I have a couple appointments tomorrow and I'll need to be home (and packed) before 5:30 pm to get to the airport. Oi vey, talk about leaving stuff to the last minute. Will also need to run the dogs out to my friend's tonight.

Said son informed me the other day that he was having trouble reading the overheads at college. Argh. We'd had a conversation awhile back about booking an optometrist appointment. No way, he argued, my eyes are fine and I'm NOT wearing glasses and I'm not going. Geesh. Well, I can see if I cup my fingers around my eyes and squint, he says. Argh. So now we're racing to try to fit him in somewhere 'cause

So... understandably, I'm feeling a bit of pressure...
In fact, as I write this... I'm being tasked with measuring and cutting the darn screen protector, finding a darn end for the compressor so he can inflate his bike tires (just go ask the neighbours, lol), and a myriad other things that I'm tuning out (shhhh, don't tell him). Ya, okay... it's nice to be needed. When can I go drop the dogs off and get a bit of a break [smile]?
~ Shelley
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