Well, I had every intention of posting regularly and tell you my experiences at the Paint-In Alberta (PIA) Convention in Edmonton. However, time and TIREDness got in the way, lol.
What was I thinking?!
I'll try to encapsulate my week.

This was a very small show. Probably only a couple hundred registrants. There was only about a dozen booths. Cozy. Divine's Designs (Diane Bunker was in this booth); Getsons Woodworking from Nova Scotia; Hearts Delight (Lorraine Fletcher, owner - Doxie Keller shared this booth); Heather Redick; Holly Hanley; Multi-Art/Scharff Brushes (where you could also find Moe Shier and Tracy Moreau); Paint for Joy; Shorthorn Arts Studio (Diana Steer - oils); Adrienne Weightman (Scratch Art); Gladys Neilsen; Wendy Fahey; and Willow Wolfe. A few artists shared booth space with some of the Exhibitors.

There was a demo area that ran daily with demos on the hour and Cash & Carry Classes on Saturday.
The girls who run C2C Events did a great job organizing and keeping things running smoothly.

The catalog for the Coast to Coast Convention in Mississauga (April 28-May 2, 2010) was released at the PIA show and garnered a lot of interest. I imagine I'll be "working the show" so won't have a lot of time to take in any classes, but ya never know
It was busy and fun running the booth for Willow and I look forward to doing it again and again and again... I really enjoy getting to the conventions and schmoozing even if it's hard work setting-up and taking-down a booth (inventorying - ARGH!). Maybe I can even occasionally go a couple days ahead of a show and check out a few sites. Ya neva know. I love Willow and her art and don't have the slightest hesitation recommending her as a knowledgeable and friendly teacher. And I'm really excited with the new Princeton Art Brushes she has had a hand in designing. The price-point is bang on and they are real workhorses and a bargain for our industry. Debbie Cotton, Donna Scully, Lydia Steeves and Holly Hanley have also been using these

Sunday afternoon was a blur of inventorying and packing up followed by a relaxing meal at Earl's (gosh I wish we had this chain restaurant around here - LOVE the warm potato salad and pan bread!) and a few drinks. I got to sleep in Monday morning and then wandered around Edmonton 'til the afternoon when I caught a shuttle to the airport and made my tired way home.
~ Shelley
Sounds like you had a great time. I love the shows no matter how big or small they are. I could spend hours just wandering around the sales floor, I always find something I missed the first time around. Hope you will post some of the paintings you did soon.