Well... a searchin' I did go. It's been about 20 years and I thought I'd plug in my old friend's name and see what I could come up with. First attempt, nothing. So... off I went to google and plugged in Kim Kearley Haynes and what appeared before my wondrous eyes... a Facebook account. Off I went and yup, I recognized that face so sent a note.
And the rest, as they say, is history. Kim, obviously knowing more about Facebook than I, sent me an IM. Up popped this little box and my first instinct was to get rid of it as I thought it was an annoying pop-up and I'd decided Facebook mustn't be such a neat place if I'm gonna get those! LOL
Up it popped again. This time I was ready for it and decided to try a note back. It worked! So Kim and I did a little catching up. Twas fun. Just might do it again, lol.
I did add my own photo to my Facebook page as I thought it was a very "useful tool", lol.
Wonder what other adventures I can get into on this world-wide web
~ Shelley

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