So... off my hubby and I went to pick up Mom and Dad's cats (Tease and Schooner) to take to the vet's for their well-baby check-ups and shots. Of course it rained. A lot. We managed to get in and out of the vet's with just a little rain hitting us. Thankfully, we were able to wait out the torrents inside our dry car. So, the cats were well-behaved and passed their check-ups with flying colours and good behaviour and were trundled back into their carriers and taken home for some TLC. There they proceeded to wind their way back into the hearts of my parents and tell tales of how they were so abused and maltreated, lol. Right. I think the only ones traumatized were my parents
After a quick visit, hubby and I headed off shopping and home. Of course the skies opened up again with a huge dumping of rain that made visibility almost non-existent. We were on the road toward home when all of a sudden I thought I saw some movement in the road ahead (maybe just a reflection of lights in a puddle?) and the vehicles in front of us started throwing on brakes with no warning. What?! C'mon, it's raining and awful, but pull over to wait it out. But look, there's a black and white mop standing in front of a car. Then it slowly moved and was looking for something, but nobody was stopping to see what they could do. The "mop" moved onto the median and we realized it was a bedraggled, thorough

Off we drove to our vet to see if they had a listing of the license numbers. All that w
Oh, well, happy ending. Dog saved, good samaritan act done and I "paid forward" from when one of my dogs was rescued many, many years ago when some nasty person decided to open our back gate and let them all out onto the road behind. One got confused in the dark and also rain-soaked night and got lost and wandered into an intersection a couple blocks away. That, too, was a happy ending.
Now I'm off to warm up some more and enjoy my magazine!
~ Shelley