I have met quite a few ToleFriend's and hope that maybe, just maybe, I've convinced a few others to join so far. Tuesday is but a blur now and Wednesday was my busiest day this week. The AGM for SDP in the morning, followed by my Special Event Class with Glenice Moore and Jillybean Fitzhenry in the afternoon, then the Expo (Trade Show) Opening then the ToleFriend's Meet n' Greet.
Tuesday morning started with the opening of the exhibits so after breakfast, my friend and I headed over to check those out. There were not many browsing the floor so it was a wonderful time to look and visit. First stop was the SDP "store" where I just had to buy some swag and support the SDP. Then checked out the class area and the actual pieces, the permanent exhibit (wowsers - photos do NOT do it justice) and then the DAC (Decorative Arts Collection Museum) Booth. Met the man himself, Andy Jones. OMGaaaawd, it was like meeting an old friend (no, not "OLD" as in age! Old as in comfortable, lol). What a warm, caring, dynamic man. I would love to be closer and lend a helping hand to him and his passion, the DAC. And just you wait... I have seen the pieces in the flesh. Touched them even, lol. The new book, the Painted Quilt will be ready for distribution very soon. Unfortunately it was not ready for the show
Hmmm, I love this show for the "firsts" that have come and will come. And yes, I did post a few more pics in my webshots. Just remember, I am NOT a photographer, lol - just a "picture-taker". Did head to the AGM Wednesday morning and stayed for more than 1/2 of it. Sorry, but I just couldn't stay for the announcements and the election results. My body was just a-burnin'. I did put my vote in for Board members tho', so feel I have done my part for now. I will try to find out the results for you and let you know later.
After I spent money Tuesday morning I went to Mabel's class, the Zebra. Oh, how I love that lady and would happily take from her again. It was a family affair with her husband (Eduardo?) and her daughter, Carolina (who translated the last 1/2 of the class when the other girl, Maria, needed to leave for other commitments). What a warm, happy, loving family and awesome, relaxed, calm teacher. Did paint hair in my sleep, tho' - line by line by line by... you get the picture. All with one teeny little liner - rake brushes of any kind (filbert, straight, comb, wisk, grainer - however you call them) were a no-no, lol. Yes, we did groan. But yes, it WAS enjoyable and did make the piece more realistic. I sat with a couple of ladies from the Gateway Chapter in Missouri (Jo-Lynne and Laurie). We were also signed up to take the specials class with Glenice and Jillybean. Fortunately we got separarated, lol, or else I would've been apologizing for our rowdiness. We had a "hoot". What wonderful ladies. Jo won Mabel's class piece in a drawing of names. Think I'm pretty envious. Ran over to the Chapters Marketplace on Tuesday night to check that out and spend more money. Wow. These groups really go all out and the time, effort and thought they go into... I'm amazed. It was well-worth the look-see and leaving class a tad early.
Stay tuned...
~ Shelley
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